Trailer | Walk of Life |
Anti-pandemic Documentary
Anti-pandemic Documentary
The series of documentaries "The Walk of Life" narrates how the Penang General Hospital and front-line medical staff in the field of public health held their posts and shouldered the heavy responsibility of pandemic prevention after the outbreak of the new coronavirus in 2020.
The DaAI. Channel. Malaysia Penang media production team, with the full cooperation of the Penang Department of Health, made a documentary to record the daily challenges of this group of front-line healthcare workers battling against Covid-19. Nearly fifty medical staff were interviewed, narrating their precious anti-pandemic experience through the lens.
Stay tuned as "Walk of Life" will be broadcast soon.
Episode 1 : Penang General Hospital
▌WALK OF LIFE | Penang Anti-pandemic Documentary |
Episode 1: CASTLE OF LIFE ▌
The hospital, a place of hope as sicknesses are cured there. When the pandemic was severe, it was heartwarming to see medical personnel stepping forward and fought at the forefront.For patients, doctors are their only hope and support. Knowing this, despite putting their life at risk, doctors put aside their fear and worry, going on with their daily routine with deep dedication.
Care packages to frontliners
Seeing the medical frontliners working hard under high pressure, Tzu Chi Johor Bahru specially prepares care packages for them. The care packages not only boost their morale, but also soothe the emotional stress. Tzu Chi volunteers shout out to them: “Thank you medical frontliners.”
Another medical equipment donation
Following the contribution of 5 vital signs monitors and 5 automated external defibrillators (AED) last week, Tzu Chi Johor Bahru donated another 10 vital signs monitors to Hospital Sultanah Aminah.
They hope these equipment can bring relief to medical workers and save more lives.
What Is Your Reading Habits
Malaysians only read 15 books a year on average, which shows that Malaysian's reading habits are low. If this phenomenon is not improved, it will have an impact on individuals, society, and even the country. Studies have found that reading helps to promote creativity, so we should all develop reading habits as soon as possible.